child’s understanding through magnetic building blocks

Take a look at an age-by-age look at how your child understand the world through magnetic building blocks?
Your child will get to know the world around her with all of her senses. Take a look at an age-by-age look at how your child’s understanding of the world will grow from infancy onward — but keep in mind that every child will develop at a slightly different pace.
From birth to 2 years, your child may:
- use all her senses to learn about the world
- recognize routines and patterns
- experiment with cause and effect (for example, dropping a bottle)
From 2 to 3 years, your child may:
- rely increasingly on previous experiences and language to understand the world around him
- categorize information, depending on experience or language skills (think that “all large four-legged creatures are cows,” for example)
From 3 to 4 years, your child may:
- grasp cause and effect in a strong, but inaccurate way
- show competence in her own physical space — by balancing, managing stairs, throwing a ball
- observe objects and events carefully
From 4 to 5 years, your child may:
- with his growing language ability and previous experience
- use her imagination to transform phenomena: “I’m the mommy, you’re the dog”; in playing “dog,” the child shows knowledge of dogs
From 5 to 6 years, your child may:
- show lots of knowledge about interesting subjects, such as dinosaurs, cars, or space
- wonder whether things are “true”
- acquire information from listening, books, television
From 6 to 7 years, your child may:
- argue with you and friends about cause and effect, and make judgments about things being true or made-up
- show more interest and openness in the natural phenomena surrounding him, such as weather, water, or soil
- demonstrate a large vocabulary for describing the natural world